Hello. This weeks tune comes from some viewing I've been doing recently of an amazing cartoon called Rick & Morty, which I highly recommend, but not at all for children, just grown ups who like sci-fi and existential angst. Basically after watching a whole season I came away with the feeling that the writers of this thing were not so much promoting but playing with the idea of everything being meaningless, so that was stuck in my head, and also coming at me from other sources, people etc. it's not a new idea, then on top of that I chucked in some vague details from horrible news stories about abduction and murder and the like that seemed to fit the bill, a couple lines about my hatred for Japanese Hentai comics as a thing that I wish didn't exist, (I don't read them by the by, I just know of them and despise them and their mass consumption in Japan, which I'm convinced is not at all a good thing for anyone), these comics fitting the meaninglessness bill also, and the attitude towards life and people that can tag along with that. Anyways, the resulting tune is just me basically saying that even though there's a huge consensus from much of western culture and a whole lot of intellectual folks, that everything is all for nothing, (Zero Theorem, the Terry Gilliam film, is another great example of somebody playing with this idea), I disagree. I have a faith in Jesus, not that I push, it's my own thing, but I think for me it's essential, it's the pin in the hand grenade that I gotta keep in there or things get messy. Anyways, hope you like the tune, I had a chance to play with some distortion and such, it was good fun underneath all this horror and emptiness.
Thanks for listening.