Wednesday 29 January 2014

Episode 51-Too Many Words

Hello listeners. Here's the 51st episode, we're creeping up on a hundred slowly. Anyways, this one is about me, my recent history, my personal stuff, meeting new people, changing entirely through doing so and through being out in the world, this song for me pretty much sums up my behaviour towards pretty much anyone who had anything to do with me for the past ridiculous amount of years and now I see the stupidity of it but am still behaving somewhat stupiditidly because I'm only human. Moving forward is what I think I'm doing however, and putting stuff like this into words, into tunes, is a good sign I think, even though it's probably very nearly too abstract to make any sense and may make no sense to me even in a couple of days. Like always though, a song is a song, it's fun to play, that'll probably last anyways.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Episode 50-The Very Last Thing

This weeks song comes with no explanation or run down or any of that stuff. It's kinda personal is why, but also abstract like most songs and open to your own interpretation, which is a good thing.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Episode 49-Horror Stories

This weeks song is about gossip, hearsay, having stuff made up about you I guess. I'll admit that I can be a pretty paranoid person sometimes so the feeling of being talked about for me can often be based on nothing at all, but nevertheless I think it's something that happens regardless and is really no good for anyone. This song is kind of about my paranoia as well as, I guess, the universal reality of people jumping to made up conclusions about other people.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Episode 48-The Bluest Pill

Here's episode 48, second for the year 2014. This one's about a tendency I've noticed in folks to talk up their drunk stories, and also their other substance stories, as if they were tales of heroism instead of something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Look, in some cases, these are actually pretty entertaining to hear, that can't be denied, but that doesn't make it a healthy way to be. Each to their own, this is just my perspective, but everyone knows that logically, substance abuse of any kind is dangerous and can mean you leave behind a lot of important people and things that matter.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Episode 47-Butterflies & Wasters

Happy New Year folks, here's the first tune for 2014, a straight up automatic writing piece of I don't actually know what, which seems to have something to do with intimacy, fear of said intimacy, and possibly the humans I have seen recently, being human. Very vague, I just let it out how it came out and recorded it straight away. Hope your new years eve was as fascinating as mine, and that this is a great year for you all round. Thanks for listening.