Tuesday 25 July 2017

Episode 233-Puddle

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a distorted ukulele thing about I have no idea what, maybe walking around with hefty secrets I guess, something like that, it's abstract and was written basically on automatic anyways, cause I'm REEEEALLLLY tired and my brain and life can only handle so much of the kind of thing I wrote last week, which is super serious mental madness stuff. Anyways, hopefully this is a nice listen, it's slow-ish, fuzzy, the words are not super good at making sense.
Thanks to all the folks who listen, it's hugely appreciated. As always here's a video to go with the tune, no drawing this week, just a couple of layered Nintendo videos and some art animation stuff by me all skewed and the like, because I wanted to change it up a bit.

Monday 17 July 2017

Episode 232-Get Some

Hello listeners. This weeks song will not be explained in anyway as it is extreeeeeeeemmmmmmllllyyyy PERSONAL! But you can read into it what you want, hopefully it does some kind of a thing that doesn't refer to me in anyway, at least not by name. It's acoustic and finger picky and kinda quietish, a little angry, bit sad, see what you think.

Thanks for your time and ears, here's a video/drawing to go with the song:

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Episode 231-Calico Sack

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a messy kind of not really finished idea, distorted thing about a guy dragging a body around and saying that he's been watching the end of the world on his telly. It kind of harks back to things I maybe would've written when I was 15, 16, so, silly over the top darkish silliness. Anyways, that's all I had the energy for this week,  next week I'll attempt to bring you some finger picky guitar and lyrics that are not so miserable. Thanks for your time and ears. Here's a video/drawing to go with the tune:

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Episode 230-Angry Old F**k

Hello listeners. This weeks song wasn't written this week, wrote it a couple weeks ago when I was having quite the shit time, times change, I'm not so bad now, moving forward etc. Anyways, so this is like whiney angry silly music I guess, on purpose, definitely supposed to be over the top, but also a little about how aging makes younger people seem a little ridiculous at times, there's a place I've been to a couple times, a late night bar with DJ's who play mostly terrible music and occasionally something good, this song I'd say came from that place, I really don't like that place all that much, or at least not the young crowd in there, because I'm getting older and would rather read a good book than watch young people trying to find someone to have sex with in a public place where alcohol's being sold aplenty. See, I'm grumpy and old. Anyways, hope it's a fun listen, take none of it seriously and thanks for your time and ears.
Here's a video/drawing to go with it: