Wednesday 28 May 2014

Episode 68-The Mill & The Wheel

Hello listeners. This weeks song is all about the wide road, the easy and the usual way, and how it'll destroy you if you let it. That's my perspective/experience anyways. As almost always it's also a bit abstract and I can't really explain-ish, it is what it is, hopefully it's a good listen anyways. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Episode 67-Grown Ups

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is another Mandolin one, it's a new toy I guess, it wants to be played. It's about I'm not entirely sure what, but possibly the uncertainty of becoming an adult person, the way other adult people seem to have it down and you feel like you're barely a quarter of the way there sometimes, (I do anyway), and doing stupid things because your human. I guess that's it, probably some other things too, it's ambiguous, very self deprecating also. I like the word Harlequin as a way of describing the person in this situation, a mute clown, it seems appropriate.
Thanks for you time as always and there'll be more next week.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Episode 66-Daylight

This weeks tune was written on a Mandolin, my Mandolin, a brand new lovely sounding Mandolin, (yep), anyways, it's my first time playing one so it sounds a little like a guy who doesn't know much about Mandolins but not to the extent that I'll hide the results. This weeks tune is all about a memory that came back to me recently of lying in bed as a tiny person while the street outside was being used as a cricket pitch by a bunch of kids and their parents, hearing it and feeling it and being warm and legs up in the air and that being a great thing.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Episode 65-Shame

Hello listeners. This weeks song is real minimal, it's a simple sleepy kind of ambling song about love in a confronting, honest sense, love that understands the messed up-ness of you and is there to open it up and help you do something about it. I'm speaking spiritually but this is a human thing too, love from people who get you and protect you from yourself, that kinda thing. Hope it's a nice listen anyways, it's really rough, a bit scratchy round the edges, but it is what it is. Like I've said, this podcast is where I broadcast my songs as they come, in their original state, simple as possible, (sometimes I go nuts with odd sounds and layers and the like, but usually simplicity is the way), and if you go to my Bandcamp page that's where you can get a hold of the finished stuff:
At this point there's just the one album up there, but I'm workin' on more all the time.
Thanks for listening, I appreciate your time.