Monday 30 October 2017

Episode 247-Comfortable

Hello listeners, this new recording method I'm using, acoustic and Dictaphone, seems OK really...? If anybody listening or reading has an opinion on the matter I'd be interested to hear, Anyways, the song this week is about living inside of instead of outside of yourself, and being stuck with that, which inevitably, everyone always is in a way, you can't be your absolute honest self, you'd be a mean mean person. Joking kind of there but you get what I mean I imagine, anyways, sometimes you'd also be a great person who honestly compliments people about things that are actually admirable, point is, were all a little insane I imagine, not knowing really what anybody else is actually actually thinking......     ... .   . . . . ......  ----   . . .. . .?
Hope it's a fun listen anyways, I think it's a relatively hopeful little number.
Here's a drawing/video to go with it:

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Episode 246-The Sawed Off Fingers Of Your Woman

Hello listeners. I live in Rockingham, Western Australia, it has a habit of being labelled as full of drug dealers and darkness, this tune is me making that into a cartoony retelling of a guy going to a pizza place to pick up his pizza and being confronted by some backwards awful shit. Anyways, it's in no way serious, I like Rockingham mostly, nice oceans, mostly decent folks that I've met and dealt with and such. Hope it's a fun listen anyways.
Here's a video/drawing to go with it:

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Episode 245-Your Paperback God

Hello listeners, this weeks song is a baritone ukulele thing, dictaphone recorded and not fancied up at all, because I'm tired and maybe aiming at the real basics here and the adding of other instruments for albums and the like, (possibly, I might get addicted to messing with many an instrument weekly again, who knows). The song is about how I've been super tired and grumpy and dismal of late but aiming at choosing differently, aiming at loving my kids properly and cheering the fuck up some. Anyways, here's a drawing/video to go with it, hope it's a nice listen.
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Episode 244-Glory Be

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is another Baritone Uke song, (new toy, compelled to play it a lot), about history being something that makes you stronger if you let it, but at the time, when it was the present, it sucked alot, about survival I guess, and also there's an E.T reference in there for good measure. Nice simple tune anyways, hope it brings you calm vibes and the like.
Here's the video thing to go with it, some layered elbalming videos and a little bit of Golden Axe, (Sega Mega Drive, great game).

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Episode 243-Poseidon's Daughter

Hello listeners. This weeks tune was sung with much boogers remaining in my head from having a cold, but nothing's perfect huh. The songs about remembering through rose coloured glasses, I think...? First tune written on a new baritone uke I now posses, happily.
Here's a video/drawing to with the tune:
Thanks for your time.