Tuesday 23 December 2014

Episode 98-Short Song

Hello Listeners. This week's song is called Short Song for literal reasons. I think it probably says what I want it to without me going on about it so, have a listen, and I hope you like it.
Thanks for your time.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Episode 97-All He Ever Talks About

Hello Listeners, this weeks tune is a Mandolin song about I'm not sure what. I was falling asleep while noodling the tune together and instead of trying to wake up my brain I just let it say odd sleepy stuff and this is the result. I think it kinda works, and it's definitely not meaningless, it's just kinda feeling led rather than thought out clearly. Hope you like it anyways, and thanks for your time.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Episode 96-Mormonism

Hello listeners. This weeks tune kinda speaks for itself I think, true story, told in straight up way. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your time.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Episode 95-Deckchairs

Hello listeners. Here's this weeks tune, a bit of ukulele, some synth and distortion. It's a song about mental illness, how hard it can be, how it seems like nobody gets it most of the time. It's a simple one. Hope it's a good listen, and as always, thanks for your time.