Tuesday 29 December 2015

Episode 151-Invisible Girl

Hello listeners, this song came about through a bit of a word jam with a buddy of mine, Ryan Nazzari, whose approach to art and life and the like had an influence on how some of these words turned out, as well as his actual presence and ideas. It's a "come on dude, look at yourself!" kind of a thing aimed squarely at myself. I get caught up in wishing for life to bring me some kinda miracle lady friend, and I have a tendency to see people in a big rosy spotlight quite often, so I've lumped all those rosy spotlight moments into this imaginary ideal in this song and am telling myself to quit that shit. It's not perfect, I'll probably add to it later but this weekly thing is the rough as guts stuff, fresh from the brain. 
Hopefully it's a fun listen, many thanks for your time.
Here's a video for it:

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Episode 150-Visible Ribs

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is about me being a lonely, pacing about the place crazy person in recent times. End of a long year tiredness is train wrecking me, nevertheless I can turn it into a song that sounds cowboy-ish in parts and is fun to play, so there's a positive spin, there's always a positive spin. I've tried a new idea for the video if you wanna have a look, make a drawing about the song, take as long as you want to make said drawing and then squish the footage to fit the tune so that it's sped up, thought maybe it'd be more interesting to watch than watching me layered over me playing instruments poorly. Anyways, thanks for your time and ears, both of which are appreciated. Hope you enjoy.
Here's the video link:

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Episode 149-Lazer Guns

Hello listeners. On the inside of late I've been an exhausted grumpy bum, but instead of succumbing to that I just wrote some silly lyrics that are just kinda cartoony images and such and played my electric along with them because I love that thing, it cheers me up. I heavily 'borrowed' some of the melody from this song: http://mindcanary.bandcamp.com/track/jukebox-by-the-bay
written by my buddy Conal Savins, it wasn't intentional, it just kinda happened, therefore to alleviate my guilt you should buy there EP from that link I just gave you, also you should do this because it's really great.
Hope this is a fun listen anyways and thanks for your time.
Here's a video for it:

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Episode 148-Kes


Hello listeners, this week's tune is a super simple ukulele thing recorded in one take because of I'm a bit exhausted and that's all I got in me, (there's a little bit of I guess you'd call it lead ukulele over the top, but nuthin fancy). It's about a character from Star Trek Voyager, (a spin off series from the original Star Trek), called Kes, she was an 'Ocamapan', who only lived for 9 years but was super advanced, especially in regards to humanitarian things, (or universarian....? something that equates in space anyways).

As a 16 year old boy, number one, I dug the moses out of Voyager, it was a weekly ritual and cheered me up no-end, distracting me from my teenage angsty head stuck in a book wishing everybody would leave me the fuck alone life, and number two, I had a huge crush on Kes, I've recently re-watched a little of the show and I'd say it's probably her voice that did me in, I still have a thing for voices.

Anyways, she was dropped from the show and replaced by a character called 7 of 9, played by Jeri Ryan, the writers claim to add conflict, but anybody who's seen her knows they just put her in there to bring in more viewers who like to oggle bodies, I didn't develop a crush on her, her voice was annoying. Also, recently the woman who played Kes, Jennifer Lien, exposed herself to her neighbours kids while abusing her neighbour on her bad parenting and was arrested and dragged away nude, refusing to get dressed, threatening to kill the officers who were arresting her, all of this is in the song, on top of a reference to a chat I had with a work friend whose marriage sounds bloody awful.

All that said, it's just a super simple little tune, hope it's a nice listen and thanks for your time. If you wanna see a Bert beanie my brother bought me from the UK, it's in this weeks video:

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Episode 147-Good Lord

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a little bit of a depressing, bleak thing about the world ending, and horrible things happening overseas that are splashed all over the internet that we try to ignore because they're horrible. It's kinda musically a little bright but the words come from what I was just talking about, and the fact that I've been reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,(the 2nd verse is based on that), and listening to 'In An Aeroplane Over The Sea', by Neutral Milk Hotel, in my car, a lot, and it's not the happiest of albums, not super super dark all over but it certainly has a sharp edge. The waiting for the wheel line is something somebody at work said while they were waiting for a page to load on the internet. Anyways, that's way too much to say about a song that's hardly two minutes long. I hope you dig it, and check out the video that goes with it, it's jumpy like Peter Gabriele.