Tuesday 24 June 2014

Episode 72-Intellect

Hello. This weeks tune comes from some viewing I've been doing recently of an amazing cartoon called Rick & Morty, which I highly recommend, but not at all for children, just grown ups who like sci-fi and existential angst. Basically after watching a whole season I came away with the feeling that the writers of this thing were not so much promoting but playing with the idea of everything being meaningless, so that was stuck in my head, and also coming at me from other sources, people etc. it's not a new idea, then on top of that I chucked in some vague details from horrible news stories about abduction and murder and the like that seemed to fit the bill, a couple lines about my hatred for Japanese Hentai comics as a thing that I wish didn't exist, (I don't read them by the by, I just know of them and despise them and their mass consumption in Japan, which I'm convinced is not at all a good thing for anyone), these comics fitting the meaninglessness bill also, and the attitude towards life and people that can tag along with that. Anyways, the resulting tune is just me basically saying that even though there's a huge consensus from much of western culture and a whole lot of intellectual folks, that everything is all for nothing, (Zero Theorem, the Terry Gilliam film, is another great example of somebody playing with this idea), I disagree. I have a faith in Jesus, not that I push, it's my own thing, but I think for me it's essential, it's the pin in the hand grenade that I gotta keep in there or things get messy. Anyways, hope you like the tune, I had a chance to play with some distortion and such, it was good fun underneath all this horror and emptiness.
Thanks for listening.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Episode 71-Everybody Teaches Somebody Something

Hello listeners. This weeks song was written to honour the memory of a great lady, my ex-mother in law, (I guess, but that's a dumb label that does her no justice), Helen Biscoe. This tune is about her example to me as a person who went through a ridiculous amount of horrible stuff but stayed positive and loved people really well, especially my two boys, her grandkids. She also was really encouraging to me, even when she took the place of an ex-mother in law and I wasn't really in her family anymore aside from through my connection through the kids. The second last line; "dirty old river" is a reference to the Kinks song Waterloo Sunset, we both loved the Kinks, she bought me one of their CD's for my birthday and I remember when me and my then wife lived with her, saving money for a deposit on a home, we chucked it on once and all had a bit of a sing and a dance. This song in no way explains the full extent of who she was, but it explains how she encouraged me and what a great example she was and talks about her love for my kids. I hope you like it anyways, and that it shows at least a bit of how great she was.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Episode 70-Catch & Release

Hello listeners. This weeks song is about a fictional character, Dom Hemmingway, played by Jude Law in a movie of the same name, written by Richard Sheppard and ,I think, bloody great. I recommend it if you want to see Jude Law being a hilarious hard core criminal. The song kind of takes what I got from that character and abstractly extrapolates from there. Hope you like it anyways, and thanks for listening.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Episode 69-Hooray For Monogamy

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a rare example of me trying to actually sound like something specific, namely an old timey uke tune, I found some old timey sounding chords, strung them together and put some old timey, (I hope), sounding melody-ness with the singing and such over the top. The song is about the perils of non-monogamy, the way that a whole lot of people step into each others bodies like it was nothing and step out the same way, whereas for me, I think it should be something, monogamy is a good idea I think, wise and safe. Also, ukulele's are the best, I recommend you go buy one if you have even the slightest interest because they're super fun.