Thursday 27 March 2014

Episode 59-Seven Toed Kid

Here's the tune for this week, a little simple Ukulele thing about angsty destructive sorts. I've been watching a lot of the show GIRLS, by Lena Dunham, who is a freakin' genius and there's a whole lot of ugly humanity in there, people with messed up motives and bulldozer kinds of behaviour, it's a great show, and I'm pretty sure the feel of this song came from watching a whole lot of it in one go.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Episode 58-Everybody Needs A Dog


Hello listeners. Thanks for your time again, this weeks tune took a whole lot of time to come out, and also no time at all, I spent most of my weekend trying to create something involving drums, because I just got a hold of some, some looping and electric guitars and lots of crunchy madness, but failed dismally to find any words to go with the noise, then this song just came fairly un-provoked, unsought, it just did it's thing super fast and that was it. Hope fully I'll get some crazy electric fuzz to you soon but for this week it's acousticy fingerpicky simple-ness. Hope you like it anyways, and like I said, I really appreciate your listening time.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Episode 57-Parasite

Episode 57. I'll mostly let it speak for itself, it's a recount of a terrible thing that I can now recount without exploding much, or at all. Some people can be intense and seemingly devoted to jerkiness jerks, that pretty much sums it up without telling folks anything really. That said, I hope it sounds nice to listen to, it doesn't sound angry I don't think.

Monday 3 March 2014

Episode 56-Feeding & Thieving

Hello. This week's tune is a sad lonely kinda song. I've spent the past few days being ill, fevery, headachey, gut-achey etc. slowly feeling better, (impatiently waiting for my body to work properly again), I'm OK now, back to work tomorrow, back to normal life. But such a large amount of time isolated from people and life got me pretty down I gotta say, nothing incurable, but that's why this song happened anyways.