Tuesday 26 January 2016

Episode 155-Running Into Windmills

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a kind of a rolling along kinda thing, sound wise I'm kinda borrowing from what a guy called Jordie Lane does, if you haven't heard him look him up, he's great, nice folky stuff, great voice. Lyric wise this is about times in the past where I haven't been present I guess, recognising and apologising for that while at the same time not being a door mat for guilty feelings, letting it go, forgiving myself too, I spose. All sounds kinda deep but really it's kind of a rollicky thing I hope, could be sung by a muppet on a horse and cart with a banjo and it wouldn't sound outta place. Hope it's a fun listen anyways, here's a video/drawing for it:
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Episode 154-Apologies

Hello listeners. This week's tune is a Mandolin, synth and Bongo's thing based on a bunch of ideas and things that came up in a chat I had on the weekend with a buddy of mine. Talk of the world ending, prophets and the like, and I threw in Joan of Arc because everybody who writes songs seems to do that at some point, she's a great character/real life extremely interesting figure.
After the chat when my buddy was off home I kinda felt like I'd said some overly negative things, he probably didn't care but I felt crappy about it, hence the title and also the second verse.
Hope it's a fun listen anyways, it was super fun to record. Thanks for your time, and ears.
Here's a video for the tune too:

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Episode 153-Silver Satellites


Hello listeners. This week's tune is kind of an obvious choice of subject matter, it's a collection of four Bowie related memories, one being a super early memory of hearing Pin Ups on my parents record player, the next one being when I was a teenager and an older friend of mine saying him and his girlfriend from his teenage years used to play Bowie records in her room and feel like they were someplace else, like they were part of something bigger than the small town nothing going on mentality that they were subjected to most of the time. The next is another earlier memory of Molly Meldrum asking Bowie about his sexual exploits on telly, Molly kinda PG tiptoed around bisexuality and Bowie laughed it off saying you can't believe everything you read, (this was super cool 80's Bowie, I think he was just pointing out how irrelevant that line of questioning was).

Then there's me playing Space Oddity to my kids on the acoustic guitar at bed times, and also Boys Keep Swinging, (they loved that one, I hammed it up good). Full circle, now my own kids are Bowie fans, in fact aside from the Beatles he's the only artist my youngest son can remember the name of and my eldest is turning ten on Thursday, he's old enough to proper dig the man and his songs, and he totally does. Losing David Bowie sucks hairy balls, he's put out some great tunes to say goodbye with but it's a guarantee that if he had more time there'd be more tunes.

I hope this is a nice listen anyways, it's a simple thing, like always, maybe you can relate, surely anyone who digs what I'm doing for some unknown reason definitely digs Bowie for all the obvious reasons.

Thanks for your time, here's a video too:

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Episode 152-A Long Way Down

Hello listeners. I got Bongo drums for Christmas, I love them, they're in this weeks song. This one's about going to church again after a while away from the place and being not sure really what I believe in, and the way the place presents itself, the odd feeling of being in a room full of certainty. I want to believe like I used to, but I don't see it happening, I'm lookin for a new way, and am incredibly curious as to how people get to where they are in life, attitudes and the like, beliefs, it's kinda fascinating.
On a side note, the image above is from a cartoon called Clarence, if you haven't seen it look it up, it's the greatest.
Here's a video/drawing for this weeks tune:
Thanks for listening.