Tuesday 28 February 2017

Episode 212-It's Not Supposed To Be Ironic


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a synth heavy, (it's all synth, bar the singing), song about reclaiming some Jesus/faith that I had all wrong for quite some time mostly I think but now am maybe understanding a little better. As always, no preaching intended, just what my own brain's been thinking about. It's also about forgiving people who've done you damage in the past who you can't ever really forgive in person but you can let the bitter bits rummaging inside you go away and feel a fair bit better, (eventually). Hopefully you enjoy it anyways. Below is a link for a video/drawing to go with it. Thanks for your time & ears.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Episode 211-Stand Up & Be A Man

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about Church, about inching towards trusting church folks, opening up, I spent a ton of time in church as a kid and also as an adult, but I kind of let is slip away for a bit in recent history, this song will most likely come across as sounding negative but it's not, it's just about how everybody's flawed, and finding a place where people admit that and are focussing on love instead of guilt, and feeding from a greater source to guide them and such, is not such a bad thing. For me anyways, I definitely don't want to preach at anyone, this is just what's been in my brain and is hence what's in this song. It's also about vulnerability, how a church should be a place where that's not only OK but encouraged, and there's no judgement, just help and ears, because why else are we here, (I guess...?). I know this is an ideal vision of things that isn't ever the case entirely, but if were aiming at it at least then that's good right. The title of the song is borrowed from a partial life story I got from a chaplain at my work & pastor at the church I'm going to, in relation to the fact that 'standing up & being a man' is not about being a manly man man man, but should be about being your honest self.
Anyways, here's a drawing/video about all that to go with the tune:

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Episode 210-Space Needle

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about thing improving, looking back on disasters I've made and being super glad that I'm looking back at them. Probably doesn't come across as being about any of those things because the lyrics are kinda' all over the place, but it is, and maybe some other stuff. Hope it's a fun listen anyways, and thanks for your time & ears.
Here's a video/drawing to go with the tune:

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Episode 209-Lambs & Lions

Hello listeners. This weeks tune goes out to the people who've dealt with/been around for and heard the details of some of the nasty things that have happened to me in my life. There's been times where the rails are clearly way over there somewhere and I'm over here crashing a unicycle into a hedge or something. Life is looking far more sensible these days, in fact it's looking to be possibly a hell of a lot better for a bunch of reasons, not the least of which is the existence of the afore mentioned people and their ears and time and help. Anyways, hopefully you dig it, and as always many thanks for your time & ears.
Here's a video/drawing to go with the tune: