Tuesday 29 April 2014

Episode 64-Surviving On The Details

Hello. This weeks song is a happy one, oddly enough. My mental state has been improving slowly but surely over the last couple years with help from people who know how to help with such things, and just people I know, friends etc. This song is a thankyou to the God I believe in for making these, (and all), people and for helping me out, and for the fact that we can miss the point for so so very long, (in life, for folks with faith of some kind and those without), until something happens to make us stop and then eventually some sense starts being made. Now I'm certainly not done being mended, nobody ever can be I don't think, that's one of the points we miss, but I'm feelin' pretty stable, hence, a happy song. Next week I'll probably be back reflecting on some nastiness or some sad thing, telling you about a murder I read up on or some persons woes in the news, and there's nothing wrong with that either, that can certainly be a positive, so long as it's honest, but hopefully this one gives you the encouraging vibe I felt while I wrote it.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Episode 63-Ten Years

Hello folks. This weeks tune is about leaving ill health behind, mentally speaking, I guess, leaving situations that were a bad idea. Less vaguely I guess it's an abstract break up song written a hell of a long time after the event and more retrospective than angry or sad, like I say in the intro though, it's not about the bad guy or good guy or any of that stupid crap, it's more general than that, the way people are, the things they do to each other. I can't really pin a proper meaning on it though, it is what ever it is, it'll say to you whatever it says and that's a good thing. I recently read a Bukowski quote about being whatever it is that you are, unashamedly, which is incredibly difficult for most of us I think, and he was probably only good at it because he drank so much, but this song for me is just what came out when I sat down to write, un-tampered with, definitely not pre-meditated, as honest as I can hope for I think, even if it doesn't make much sense to me.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Episode 62-Alcohol

This weeks tune is about my Amish-like youth, (I watched television, I read books Amish kids would probably slit their wrists over, I played video games, but other than that I was a very contained, very sensible young man), and the way that not doing crazy things when you're young kind of takes away the fun of doing them in some ways when you're older, because you're too old for one thing, but you also have a less "YEAH, LET'S BREAK STUFF AND YELL AT OLD LADIES AND LICK WALLS" kind of an attitude, (which I think I probably would've had when I was younger had I given myself the opportunity to express it, and which sadly now I don't really have because I'm too responsible). That said a person who hasn't gone crazy when young and finds freedom does go crazy, just for me it didn't last a hell of a long time. Other than that there's a lot of weird little visual references to things I remember from childhood that probably nobody will be able to decipher, but I think they add to the feel of the thing as a whole, so I left them in.
Thanks for listening hey, have an excellent day/night/unspecified period of time that you are currently experiencing.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Episode 61-Tiny Animals

Hello. Change of format slightly from now on, really quick audio intro and all the explainy stuff in this writing here like always. On the advice of a fella who calls himself 'Little Kid', who you should look up on band camp and throw some money at for some lovely music, (he's giving it away for free for the most part but it's worth your cash). He told me the intro's were getting in the way of the music speaking for itself to your own brain in your own brains way, and I had a listen back and he's right.
Anyways, so this weeks tune is a simple one, four chords, (some weird ones like F#bb5 and the like), and it's about being scared of intimacy I guess, which is not something I think I am possibly, or maybe so, I don't know? I'm not wanting to overshare but I think this is probably a common experience for hurt folks in a whole lot of contexts. Not that I'm hurt so much either, but I have been, everybody has, and this is an explanation of that situation in some way, in retrospect but also a little bit in current life maybe. It's all hypothetical though, a caution/fear song to a fictional person. The puggle thing is about human hearts being like cute little animals, if you're looking at things positively, (which I try to somewhat, even in the context of talking about difficult things).

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Episode 60-Valeria & The Lipless Man


This weeks tune is a crunchy electric guitar/drums/silly vocal effects bit of an experiment. I read up on some alien abduction info and other strange internet information about people with odd habits and claims and put all this info into a song. Hopefully it's fun to listen to, it was fun to make and play for sure, guitars can make some cool little noises. Anyways, if you appreciate this kind of content in your music you should check out The Gizzards:
He makes amazing super super crunchy music about Robots and the like, he's from Perth, and awesome.

I'd like to once more state my original disclaimer here, 60 episodes down the track, that the tunes I put up for this podcast are rough as guts first recordings of ideas, some of them come out as keepers just how they are but that's rarely the case, this is me sharing my babies with you, before I've taken them out into the world to be reshaped by thrown tomatoes and yelling. I appreciate your listening time, your ears, and the positive feedback I get is super lovely. Don't forget if you want to hear some finished stuff I have an album here:
that you can get for free.