Wednesday 23 April 2014

Episode 63-Ten Years

Hello folks. This weeks tune is about leaving ill health behind, mentally speaking, I guess, leaving situations that were a bad idea. Less vaguely I guess it's an abstract break up song written a hell of a long time after the event and more retrospective than angry or sad, like I say in the intro though, it's not about the bad guy or good guy or any of that stupid crap, it's more general than that, the way people are, the things they do to each other. I can't really pin a proper meaning on it though, it is what ever it is, it'll say to you whatever it says and that's a good thing. I recently read a Bukowski quote about being whatever it is that you are, unashamedly, which is incredibly difficult for most of us I think, and he was probably only good at it because he drank so much, but this song for me is just what came out when I sat down to write, un-tampered with, definitely not pre-meditated, as honest as I can hope for I think, even if it doesn't make much sense to me.

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