Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 94-Just Like Dinosaurs

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a bit of a cryptic one, I'm not entirely sure what it's about. Possibly it's about owning your own thing, going with it, and the things that get in the way of that. It's definitely about stepping on your own feet. Hope you like it anyways, it has banjo. Thanks for your time.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Episode 93-Flood Lights


Hello listeners. This weeks tune exists in the way it does thanks to my buddy Miki who taught me how to play the riff from Come As You Are by the mighty Nirvana, which as it turns out is pretty simple so I went for simplicity here, and individual notes instead of chords, which I don't do very often. Anyways, it's about Lazarus,(from the Bible), being irresponsible, waking up to yourself, passing the buck and probably a couple other things. Hope you like it and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Episode 92-When You Stop Looking

Hello listeners. This weeks tune was going to be a super downer one, been having some struggley times internally and such, as humans do. But it came out like this instead. It's kinda hopeful, about singleness and the vague idea of the opposite of that. There's a little in there about the neanderthalic views of the blokey bloke also, and the hesitance of single folks to meet a feller because of it, I've heard some ridiculous backward views towards women of late and it gets my goat all riled up like he was a lion inside, from women too, examples of how men see them and bluntly say so. Anyways, there's only one line about that, mostly this is a tune about hesitant hope, cautious interactions. Something like that. The title comes from what a single person hears from happily paired off folks way to often; "when you stop looking, then you'll find someone", that is such an unhelpful and illogical thing to hear, but maybe they're right?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Episode 91-Charlie Brown Is Bleeding

Hello listeners. Despite this one being a super simple tune, hardly any lyrics. It took hours to drag it out, had a bit of writers block I think. It's rough as too, I've already changed the last bit from what I recorded, instead of all that throwing rocks stuff I just put in "I don't wanna feel it", four times, cause that made more sense. The song is about checking out, going to some other place, which I do sometimes, sometimes as a coping mechanism on automatic, sometimes on purpose when I have the time and place handy because I like imaging stuff. The tune speaks for itself though I think. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for your time.