Tuesday 23 December 2014

Episode 98-Short Song

Hello Listeners. This week's song is called Short Song for literal reasons. I think it probably says what I want it to without me going on about it so, have a listen, and I hope you like it.
Thanks for your time.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Episode 97-All He Ever Talks About

Hello Listeners, this weeks tune is a Mandolin song about I'm not sure what. I was falling asleep while noodling the tune together and instead of trying to wake up my brain I just let it say odd sleepy stuff and this is the result. I think it kinda works, and it's definitely not meaningless, it's just kinda feeling led rather than thought out clearly. Hope you like it anyways, and thanks for your time.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Episode 96-Mormonism

Hello listeners. This weeks tune kinda speaks for itself I think, true story, told in straight up way. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your time.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Episode 95-Deckchairs

Hello listeners. Here's this weeks tune, a bit of ukulele, some synth and distortion. It's a song about mental illness, how hard it can be, how it seems like nobody gets it most of the time. It's a simple one. Hope it's a good listen, and as always, thanks for your time.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 94-Just Like Dinosaurs

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a bit of a cryptic one, I'm not entirely sure what it's about. Possibly it's about owning your own thing, going with it, and the things that get in the way of that. It's definitely about stepping on your own feet. Hope you like it anyways, it has banjo. Thanks for your time.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Episode 93-Flood Lights


Hello listeners. This weeks tune exists in the way it does thanks to my buddy Miki who taught me how to play the riff from Come As You Are by the mighty Nirvana, which as it turns out is pretty simple so I went for simplicity here, and individual notes instead of chords, which I don't do very often. Anyways, it's about Lazarus,(from the Bible), being irresponsible, waking up to yourself, passing the buck and probably a couple other things. Hope you like it and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Episode 92-When You Stop Looking

Hello listeners. This weeks tune was going to be a super downer one, been having some struggley times internally and such, as humans do. But it came out like this instead. It's kinda hopeful, about singleness and the vague idea of the opposite of that. There's a little in there about the neanderthalic views of the blokey bloke also, and the hesitance of single folks to meet a feller because of it, I've heard some ridiculous backward views towards women of late and it gets my goat all riled up like he was a lion inside, from women too, examples of how men see them and bluntly say so. Anyways, there's only one line about that, mostly this is a tune about hesitant hope, cautious interactions. Something like that. The title comes from what a single person hears from happily paired off folks way to often; "when you stop looking, then you'll find someone", that is such an unhelpful and illogical thing to hear, but maybe they're right?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Episode 91-Charlie Brown Is Bleeding

Hello listeners. Despite this one being a super simple tune, hardly any lyrics. It took hours to drag it out, had a bit of writers block I think. It's rough as too, I've already changed the last bit from what I recorded, instead of all that throwing rocks stuff I just put in "I don't wanna feel it", four times, cause that made more sense. The song is about checking out, going to some other place, which I do sometimes, sometimes as a coping mechanism on automatic, sometimes on purpose when I have the time and place handy because I like imaging stuff. The tune speaks for itself though I think. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for your time.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Episode 90-Don't Give Him Your Number

Hello Listeners. I've been a little ill, still am, I wrote this song in my bed after reading a bit of "Not That Kind of Girl", by Lena Dunham, very honest life advice, also funny, excellent book. The song is about jerk people with physical demands and my loathing of them. It's possibly a little blunt and slightly dark under it's ukulele skin because I've been sick, and that makes me grumpy. Hope it's a good listen anyways, and thanks for your time as always.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Episode 89-Face Full Of Fist

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a banjo one about a salesman being fake friendly to an emotionally unstable person, written from that persons perspective, and maybe it's about fake friendliness all over? Hope you like it anyways, and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Episode 88-The Damned & The Done

Hello listeners, I've been talking with some folks who are recently separated from long term partners, and not so recently, but its the early days stuff that sort of stuck with me from these chats so I wrote a song about how that felt for me, a while back. It's not a fun place, a little volatile, kinda crazy, definitely not happy, very glad it's behind me. Anyways, as always, it's also kinda abstract and probably will be about any number of other things for other people. Hope you like it and thanks for your time.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Episode 87-Bruisers

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about drinking, about how for me it kind of cleared out some brain cobwebs and gave me a chance to sort of understand life a little better, I've only ever gotten really super vomit drunk maybe twice in my life, and I don't recommend it, and I don't drink so much these days but I read this the other day:
(,from a Blog by Jess Windram, which I recommend, some good reading is to be had there),
and it reminded me of how drinking effected me, the journey from no alcohol whatsoever, to a little, to way too much, then back to a little again. It's kinda abstract. I have a cold too so my voice is way off. But it is what it is. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for listening.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Episode 86-It Doesn't Touch Me Anymore

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about detachment I think, that's what I was feeling and trying to shake by making a song anyways, putting it to bed in some simple music I guess. It kinda worked. It's not a negative song, it's about human love and such, people. It is what it is, super simple, not many words, lots of synth and guitar loops and such. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Episode 85-Christmas City Cave In

This weeks tune is another anti religious one. Sort of popped out of a weird memory trigger thing that happened when I started playing the tune and adding some words, memories about a church I went to and how completely anxiety ridden I was in the place and isolated and just not in the right place at all I don't think. Maybe the Christmas Cave In title is a bit obvious but also it relates to childhood ventures into the city at Christmas when the lights were up and my, I think it's called Vertigo, triggered by the tallness of buildings and my proximity to them when I was a kid. Anyways, hopefully it's an interesting listen. Thanks for your time as always.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Episode 84-Everybody Else

Hello listeners, unlike last weeks tune this is a song about a positive internet dating experience. I met some one who stated that they just wanted to make friends with people, hang out and the like, and was ready to bail immediately if they turned out to be crazy or dishonest, but they were cool. Hung out with them and their house mate and had a laugh and here's a song about it. It's also just about honesty I guess. Anyways, thanks for listening.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Episode 83-Tiny Details

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a distorted electric guitar song about internet dating and liars. It's a bit over the top I guess in it's scathingness, but it's only a song. It's also about assumptions about men, which are the equivalent of assumptions about women, which make people either cagey or jerky in their interactions with the opposite sex sometimes. Anyways, hope you like it and as always thanks for listening.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Episode 82-Church Bells

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a really simple little Banjo thing about how it's always the good folks who are taken advantage of in life. It's a little abstract as always so it could possibly be about a ton of other stuff that I don't even know about, and probably is, (subconscious things and the like). Hope it's a nice listen anyways.
Thanks for yout time.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Episode 81-Household Miracles

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is all about people who are nasty and ineffectual because they've learned behaviours, or religious ideas by rote that are ruinous but to them feel empowering. I've heard tales of such folk in the past few days and hence this song. Hope you like it. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Episode 80-Rabbit Skin

Hello Listeners, this weeks tune is a bit of a wacky one I guess, just took the words as they came, nonsensically or otherwise, and ran with them. I guess it's about how life is a little nonsensical, and about finding a place, or talking about finding a place but never actually coming to any kind of conclusion. I'm not entirely sure, but it was super fun to write, play and even sing so hopefully there's a positive vibe under the wacky existential crisis stuff.
Thanks for listening, as always.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Episode 79-Saving Lives

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about suicide prevention, in honour of Robin Williams, which I know could be taken as me being a band wagon type but I don't care, suicide is an important issue, I've been close to it, as have many many others, and it needs to be talked about. This tune I wrote to thank my good buddies who saw me at my worst and did what they could, and that was enough, it was beautiful. Way behind me now, but always remembered. If you can be somebodies life line then do it, no hesitation, life is crazy and sometimes horrifying, but it's important, it's essential, sacred and such. Thanks for you time and ears, and I hope this little tune gives you something positive.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Episode 78-Sparrows & Arrows

Hello listeners. Here's the 78th episode, a Mandolin/electric guitar tune that is abstract enough that I'm not even sure what it's about. It seems like a positive one, I just let it come out how it wanted to. It might be about giving up alcohol, that's in there I think, and maybe about eating breakfast.
As always, thanks for your ears and time. Much appreciated.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Episode 77-Boy

Hello Listeners, this week's tune doesn't need much explaining I think. It is what it is, I think it speaks for itself. I'd say it's possibly more literal in places than you'd think. But I'll let your brain decide it's own way through.
Thanks for your time, and your ears. Much appreciated.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Episode 76 - I Feel Like Winona Ryder

Hello Listeners, this weeks tune is a short simple song about when life is a bit slow, or when you are, despite whatever life is doing around you. It's part exaggeration, part truth, just something I'd literally been thinking for about a week before I wrote this, comparing myself to Winona Ryder in Reality Bites, which I've seen a couple times as a younger feller, great film. Many thanks to my brother and his wife for filling in some of my memory gaps on the plot so I could stick a couple more references in. Thanks for listening.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Episode 75-Box of Birds


Hello listeners. This weeks song comes from a saying that somebody said at work that I'd never heard before, you probably all have but I hadn't, so I looked up what it meant and built a song around it and around the idea of finding some kind of place in the world and running with it, loving people, doing your best and such, and also about life's imperfection, the way it fails to make sense quite often but this being kind of ok, and one of life's better qualities if you look at it from the right place. All a bit heavy I guess, but I was also just trying to make a nice calm tune, something slow and steady, synthy and simple. Hope you like it anyways. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Episode 74-Turn Me In

Hello listeners. This weeks tune took a couple late nights cause I broke my simplicity rule and got out all the midi stuff for fun, (keyboard, synthy type stuff, for anyone who doesn't know what midi is, and to be honest I don't entirely know my self). Anyways, it took a while, but it's really simple, really short, and kinda dark, but also not. Basically I went to a good buddies wedding recently and it was beautiful, the humanity, the dancing folks and the generations present and the whole marriage thing was great, but I was also having quite the severe, ( I think well hidden), attack of social anxiety, which I haven't had for ages but I guess a wedding involves an unusually large amount of new unfamiliar people. Despite this though, the beauty was still there, I got emotional, I felt glad to witness the love and such, and this is what this tune is about, as well as being about the fact that everybody has their issues and troubles and that in itself, though sad, can be a beautiful thing. Hope you like it anyways, the muffled intro/outro singing is from a phone recorded song idea that never took off, but sounded properly fuzz ridden and woeful for the purposes of this tune.
Thanks for listening, much appreciated.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Episode 73-Let Me Be

This weeks tune comes from a choice that I made today while I was writing this song, to go a little easier on myself, I started with the beat and the synth and the words were coming on all self loathing and the like, but then I thought, well that's dumb, come on feller, go easy on yourself. Self loathing is something most of us deal with at some point, and I sure have, but I've kind of left it behind of late, for the most part, as far as intention will take me anyways. The song's about being single too, and happy with that, I read something on the internet, one of those "secrets of happy people" things which are entirely made up by some one who read it someplace else I'm sure, but nevertheless, every now and then you see something like that and you think, well.. why not, tell me the secrets, one of them being that apparently happy people don't see relationships as where they get their meaning from, but as an extension to the meaning they already have on their lonesome. I agreed with this, and, like everyone probably, I've seen people put up with damaging crazy things to not be lonely.
So there you have it. Hope you enjoy the tune, and thanks for your time. Much appreciated.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Episode 72-Intellect

Hello. This weeks tune comes from some viewing I've been doing recently of an amazing cartoon called Rick & Morty, which I highly recommend, but not at all for children, just grown ups who like sci-fi and existential angst. Basically after watching a whole season I came away with the feeling that the writers of this thing were not so much promoting but playing with the idea of everything being meaningless, so that was stuck in my head, and also coming at me from other sources, people etc. it's not a new idea, then on top of that I chucked in some vague details from horrible news stories about abduction and murder and the like that seemed to fit the bill, a couple lines about my hatred for Japanese Hentai comics as a thing that I wish didn't exist, (I don't read them by the by, I just know of them and despise them and their mass consumption in Japan, which I'm convinced is not at all a good thing for anyone), these comics fitting the meaninglessness bill also, and the attitude towards life and people that can tag along with that. Anyways, the resulting tune is just me basically saying that even though there's a huge consensus from much of western culture and a whole lot of intellectual folks, that everything is all for nothing, (Zero Theorem, the Terry Gilliam film, is another great example of somebody playing with this idea), I disagree. I have a faith in Jesus, not that I push, it's my own thing, but I think for me it's essential, it's the pin in the hand grenade that I gotta keep in there or things get messy. Anyways, hope you like the tune, I had a chance to play with some distortion and such, it was good fun underneath all this horror and emptiness.
Thanks for listening.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Episode 71-Everybody Teaches Somebody Something

Hello listeners. This weeks song was written to honour the memory of a great lady, my ex-mother in law, (I guess, but that's a dumb label that does her no justice), Helen Biscoe. This tune is about her example to me as a person who went through a ridiculous amount of horrible stuff but stayed positive and loved people really well, especially my two boys, her grandkids. She also was really encouraging to me, even when she took the place of an ex-mother in law and I wasn't really in her family anymore aside from through my connection through the kids. The second last line; "dirty old river" is a reference to the Kinks song Waterloo Sunset, we both loved the Kinks, she bought me one of their CD's for my birthday and I remember when me and my then wife lived with her, saving money for a deposit on a home, we chucked it on once and all had a bit of a sing and a dance. This song in no way explains the full extent of who she was, but it explains how she encouraged me and what a great example she was and talks about her love for my kids. I hope you like it anyways, and that it shows at least a bit of how great she was.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Episode 70-Catch & Release

Hello listeners. This weeks song is about a fictional character, Dom Hemmingway, played by Jude Law in a movie of the same name, written by Richard Sheppard and ,I think, bloody great. I recommend it if you want to see Jude Law being a hilarious hard core criminal. The song kind of takes what I got from that character and abstractly extrapolates from there. Hope you like it anyways, and thanks for listening.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Episode 69-Hooray For Monogamy

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a rare example of me trying to actually sound like something specific, namely an old timey uke tune, I found some old timey sounding chords, strung them together and put some old timey, (I hope), sounding melody-ness with the singing and such over the top. The song is about the perils of non-monogamy, the way that a whole lot of people step into each others bodies like it was nothing and step out the same way, whereas for me, I think it should be something, monogamy is a good idea I think, wise and safe. Also, ukulele's are the best, I recommend you go buy one if you have even the slightest interest because they're super fun.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Episode 68-The Mill & The Wheel

Hello listeners. This weeks song is all about the wide road, the easy and the usual way, and how it'll destroy you if you let it. That's my perspective/experience anyways. As almost always it's also a bit abstract and I can't really explain-ish, it is what it is, hopefully it's a good listen anyways. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Episode 67-Grown Ups

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is another Mandolin one, it's a new toy I guess, it wants to be played. It's about I'm not entirely sure what, but possibly the uncertainty of becoming an adult person, the way other adult people seem to have it down and you feel like you're barely a quarter of the way there sometimes, (I do anyway), and doing stupid things because your human. I guess that's it, probably some other things too, it's ambiguous, very self deprecating also. I like the word Harlequin as a way of describing the person in this situation, a mute clown, it seems appropriate.
Thanks for you time as always and there'll be more next week.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Episode 66-Daylight

This weeks tune was written on a Mandolin, my Mandolin, a brand new lovely sounding Mandolin, (yep), anyways, it's my first time playing one so it sounds a little like a guy who doesn't know much about Mandolins but not to the extent that I'll hide the results. This weeks tune is all about a memory that came back to me recently of lying in bed as a tiny person while the street outside was being used as a cricket pitch by a bunch of kids and their parents, hearing it and feeling it and being warm and legs up in the air and that being a great thing.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Episode 65-Shame

Hello listeners. This weeks song is real minimal, it's a simple sleepy kind of ambling song about love in a confronting, honest sense, love that understands the messed up-ness of you and is there to open it up and help you do something about it. I'm speaking spiritually but this is a human thing too, love from people who get you and protect you from yourself, that kinda thing. Hope it's a nice listen anyways, it's really rough, a bit scratchy round the edges, but it is what it is. Like I've said, this podcast is where I broadcast my songs as they come, in their original state, simple as possible, (sometimes I go nuts with odd sounds and layers and the like, but usually simplicity is the way), and if you go to my Bandcamp page that's where you can get a hold of the finished stuff: http://cesky.bandcamp.com/
At this point there's just the one album up there, but I'm workin' on more all the time.
Thanks for listening, I appreciate your time.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Episode 64-Surviving On The Details

Hello. This weeks song is a happy one, oddly enough. My mental state has been improving slowly but surely over the last couple years with help from people who know how to help with such things, and just people I know, friends etc. This song is a thankyou to the God I believe in for making these, (and all), people and for helping me out, and for the fact that we can miss the point for so so very long, (in life, for folks with faith of some kind and those without), until something happens to make us stop and then eventually some sense starts being made. Now I'm certainly not done being mended, nobody ever can be I don't think, that's one of the points we miss, but I'm feelin' pretty stable, hence, a happy song. Next week I'll probably be back reflecting on some nastiness or some sad thing, telling you about a murder I read up on or some persons woes in the news, and there's nothing wrong with that either, that can certainly be a positive, so long as it's honest, but hopefully this one gives you the encouraging vibe I felt while I wrote it.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Episode 63-Ten Years

Hello folks. This weeks tune is about leaving ill health behind, mentally speaking, I guess, leaving situations that were a bad idea. Less vaguely I guess it's an abstract break up song written a hell of a long time after the event and more retrospective than angry or sad, like I say in the intro though, it's not about the bad guy or good guy or any of that stupid crap, it's more general than that, the way people are, the things they do to each other. I can't really pin a proper meaning on it though, it is what ever it is, it'll say to you whatever it says and that's a good thing. I recently read a Bukowski quote about being whatever it is that you are, unashamedly, which is incredibly difficult for most of us I think, and he was probably only good at it because he drank so much, but this song for me is just what came out when I sat down to write, un-tampered with, definitely not pre-meditated, as honest as I can hope for I think, even if it doesn't make much sense to me.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Episode 62-Alcohol

This weeks tune is about my Amish-like youth, (I watched television, I read books Amish kids would probably slit their wrists over, I played video games, but other than that I was a very contained, very sensible young man), and the way that not doing crazy things when you're young kind of takes away the fun of doing them in some ways when you're older, because you're too old for one thing, but you also have a less "YEAH, LET'S BREAK STUFF AND YELL AT OLD LADIES AND LICK WALLS" kind of an attitude, (which I think I probably would've had when I was younger had I given myself the opportunity to express it, and which sadly now I don't really have because I'm too responsible). That said a person who hasn't gone crazy when young and finds freedom does go crazy, just for me it didn't last a hell of a long time. Other than that there's a lot of weird little visual references to things I remember from childhood that probably nobody will be able to decipher, but I think they add to the feel of the thing as a whole, so I left them in.
Thanks for listening hey, have an excellent day/night/unspecified period of time that you are currently experiencing.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Episode 61-Tiny Animals

Hello. Change of format slightly from now on, really quick audio intro and all the explainy stuff in this writing here like always. On the advice of a fella who calls himself 'Little Kid', who you should look up on band camp and throw some money at for some lovely music, (he's giving it away for free for the most part but it's worth your cash). He told me the intro's were getting in the way of the music speaking for itself to your own brain in your own brains way, and I had a listen back and he's right.
Anyways, so this weeks tune is a simple one, four chords, (some weird ones like F#bb5 and the like), and it's about being scared of intimacy I guess, which is not something I think I am possibly, or maybe so, I don't know? I'm not wanting to overshare but I think this is probably a common experience for hurt folks in a whole lot of contexts. Not that I'm hurt so much either, but I have been, everybody has, and this is an explanation of that situation in some way, in retrospect but also a little bit in current life maybe. It's all hypothetical though, a caution/fear song to a fictional person. The puggle thing is about human hearts being like cute little animals, if you're looking at things positively, (which I try to somewhat, even in the context of talking about difficult things).

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Episode 60-Valeria & The Lipless Man


This weeks tune is a crunchy electric guitar/drums/silly vocal effects bit of an experiment. I read up on some alien abduction info and other strange internet information about people with odd habits and claims and put all this info into a song. Hopefully it's fun to listen to, it was fun to make and play for sure, guitars can make some cool little noises. Anyways, if you appreciate this kind of content in your music you should check out The Gizzards:
He makes amazing super super crunchy music about Robots and the like, he's from Perth, and awesome.

I'd like to once more state my original disclaimer here, 60 episodes down the track, that the tunes I put up for this podcast are rough as guts first recordings of ideas, some of them come out as keepers just how they are but that's rarely the case, this is me sharing my babies with you, before I've taken them out into the world to be reshaped by thrown tomatoes and yelling. I appreciate your listening time, your ears, and the positive feedback I get is super lovely. Don't forget if you want to hear some finished stuff I have an album here:
that you can get for free.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Episode 59-Seven Toed Kid

Here's the tune for this week, a little simple Ukulele thing about angsty destructive sorts. I've been watching a lot of the show GIRLS, by Lena Dunham, who is a freakin' genius and there's a whole lot of ugly humanity in there, people with messed up motives and bulldozer kinds of behaviour, it's a great show, and I'm pretty sure the feel of this song came from watching a whole lot of it in one go.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Episode 58-Everybody Needs A Dog


Hello listeners. Thanks for your time again, this weeks tune took a whole lot of time to come out, and also no time at all, I spent most of my weekend trying to create something involving drums, because I just got a hold of some, some looping and electric guitars and lots of crunchy madness, but failed dismally to find any words to go with the noise, then this song just came fairly un-provoked, unsought, it just did it's thing super fast and that was it. Hope fully I'll get some crazy electric fuzz to you soon but for this week it's acousticy fingerpicky simple-ness. Hope you like it anyways, and like I said, I really appreciate your listening time.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Episode 57-Parasite

Episode 57. I'll mostly let it speak for itself, it's a recount of a terrible thing that I can now recount without exploding much, or at all. Some people can be intense and seemingly devoted to jerkiness jerks, that pretty much sums it up without telling folks anything really. That said, I hope it sounds nice to listen to, it doesn't sound angry I don't think.

Monday 3 March 2014

Episode 56-Feeding & Thieving

Hello. This week's tune is a sad lonely kinda song. I've spent the past few days being ill, fevery, headachey, gut-achey etc. slowly feeling better, (impatiently waiting for my body to work properly again), I'm OK now, back to work tomorrow, back to normal life. But such a large amount of time isolated from people and life got me pretty down I gotta say, nothing incurable, but that's why this song happened anyways.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Episode 55-Glory Days

This weeks tune is a love song to people in general, to the value in paying closer attention and being appreciative of folks even though none of us are particularly good at making any sense. It reads like a song for an individual in places but unfortunately it isn't, it's good to be feeling positive in general though, putting some positivity out there, (apart from the line about Muses being born to silence, people being ignored, their eccentricities being dissed rather than embraced). Hope you like it anyways. Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Episode 54-A Place You've Always Been

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a bit of an acousticy, slightly synthy reminiscence on listening to music in bed one night as a kid. A very specific memory in fact of listening to "The Very Best Of Crowded House", which my brother bought when it came out in 1996, (so I would've been 15 years old, crazy..), he chucked it on his CD player, we shared a room, bunk beds, me on the bottom one, it was stupid hot outside and the window was open to a warm breeze and I had my head back looking up at the stars. Our Dad had a crowded house tape he played pretty regularly in the car so we knew most of the songs but listening to them in that specific moment was a beautiful experience, I remember saying to my brother that this was the kinda music you could breathe in. Much much later in life my dad took me to go see them live, after Paul Hester had died and they'd gotten a new drummer and just written a ton of songs about Paul Hester, (and other things, but "Time On Earth" is mostly about Paul Hester I think), and they were still amazing. Hopefully this song puts across that feeling, that sort of blissful escapist feeling, being somewhere else because of words and music, not somewhere super happy by any means, Crowded house can write killer pop songs no doubt but the real genius is in that hint of honest sadness they drop on you too. Music is great, I freakin' love music.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Episode 53-Local Anaesthetic

Here's the 53rd episode, a song about a dead end job, living a painfully slow, bored kind of life. It's a fiction, I don't live, nor have ever experienced this life but as a subject for creating things about it comes up a lot, not just for me, but a whole lot of people, the rat race and such, and like anyone I've experienced elements of this I 'spose. The song came fairly quick but it's odd sometimes then when you intentionally go for minimal writing it's sometimes harder to pin down the exact write word than when you're just working on down like a wordy word guy. I watched a lot of foreign animations with my kids on the weekend, Russian and German and other places in Europe and Japanese and Spanish things, I think seeing these, some of which were beautifully minimal, got my mind into the place where this song was happening. Thank's for listening anyways folks, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Episode 52-Eagle Visions For The Walking Dead

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is about hugging/being with my two kids and how important that is, and how it removes me from the picture somewhat, in a good way. It's also about my past, being an absent person in some ways because of mental health issues and the like, but how that's changing and how perspective gained from looking back is essential to that change. A lot of this tune is me just reminding myself of how I've been and how I need to not be that way again, which is highly achievable, even just by default, things happen to you and you're not the same afterwards, ever again, this can be used as a positive most of the time hopefully, get up and move on and such. That's how I'm seeing my own situation anyways. Life isn't so much what you make it sometimes, control is never a constant, but your reaction to things is definitely something you can choose. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Episode 51-Too Many Words

Hello listeners. Here's the 51st episode, we're creeping up on a hundred slowly. Anyways, this one is about me, my recent history, my personal stuff, meeting new people, changing entirely through doing so and through being out in the world, this song for me pretty much sums up my behaviour towards pretty much anyone who had anything to do with me for the past ridiculous amount of years and now I see the stupidity of it but am still behaving somewhat stupiditidly because I'm only human. Moving forward is what I think I'm doing however, and putting stuff like this into words, into tunes, is a good sign I think, even though it's probably very nearly too abstract to make any sense and may make no sense to me even in a couple of days. Like always though, a song is a song, it's fun to play, that'll probably last anyways.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Episode 50-The Very Last Thing

This weeks song comes with no explanation or run down or any of that stuff. It's kinda personal is why, but also abstract like most songs and open to your own interpretation, which is a good thing.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Episode 49-Horror Stories

This weeks song is about gossip, hearsay, having stuff made up about you I guess. I'll admit that I can be a pretty paranoid person sometimes so the feeling of being talked about for me can often be based on nothing at all, but nevertheless I think it's something that happens regardless and is really no good for anyone. This song is kind of about my paranoia as well as, I guess, the universal reality of people jumping to made up conclusions about other people.