Tuesday 29 December 2015

Episode 151-Invisible Girl

Hello listeners, this song came about through a bit of a word jam with a buddy of mine, Ryan Nazzari, whose approach to art and life and the like had an influence on how some of these words turned out, as well as his actual presence and ideas. It's a "come on dude, look at yourself!" kind of a thing aimed squarely at myself. I get caught up in wishing for life to bring me some kinda miracle lady friend, and I have a tendency to see people in a big rosy spotlight quite often, so I've lumped all those rosy spotlight moments into this imaginary ideal in this song and am telling myself to quit that shit. It's not perfect, I'll probably add to it later but this weekly thing is the rough as guts stuff, fresh from the brain. 
Hopefully it's a fun listen, many thanks for your time.
Here's a video for it:

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Episode 150-Visible Ribs

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is about me being a lonely, pacing about the place crazy person in recent times. End of a long year tiredness is train wrecking me, nevertheless I can turn it into a song that sounds cowboy-ish in parts and is fun to play, so there's a positive spin, there's always a positive spin. I've tried a new idea for the video if you wanna have a look, make a drawing about the song, take as long as you want to make said drawing and then squish the footage to fit the tune so that it's sped up, thought maybe it'd be more interesting to watch than watching me layered over me playing instruments poorly. Anyways, thanks for your time and ears, both of which are appreciated. Hope you enjoy.
Here's the video link:

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Episode 149-Lazer Guns

Hello listeners. On the inside of late I've been an exhausted grumpy bum, but instead of succumbing to that I just wrote some silly lyrics that are just kinda cartoony images and such and played my electric along with them because I love that thing, it cheers me up. I heavily 'borrowed' some of the melody from this song: http://mindcanary.bandcamp.com/track/jukebox-by-the-bay
written by my buddy Conal Savins, it wasn't intentional, it just kinda happened, therefore to alleviate my guilt you should buy there EP from that link I just gave you, also you should do this because it's really great.
Hope this is a fun listen anyways and thanks for your time.
Here's a video for it:

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Episode 148-Kes


Hello listeners, this week's tune is a super simple ukulele thing recorded in one take because of I'm a bit exhausted and that's all I got in me, (there's a little bit of I guess you'd call it lead ukulele over the top, but nuthin fancy). It's about a character from Star Trek Voyager, (a spin off series from the original Star Trek), called Kes, she was an 'Ocamapan', who only lived for 9 years but was super advanced, especially in regards to humanitarian things, (or universarian....? something that equates in space anyways).

As a 16 year old boy, number one, I dug the moses out of Voyager, it was a weekly ritual and cheered me up no-end, distracting me from my teenage angsty head stuck in a book wishing everybody would leave me the fuck alone life, and number two, I had a huge crush on Kes, I've recently re-watched a little of the show and I'd say it's probably her voice that did me in, I still have a thing for voices.

Anyways, she was dropped from the show and replaced by a character called 7 of 9, played by Jeri Ryan, the writers claim to add conflict, but anybody who's seen her knows they just put her in there to bring in more viewers who like to oggle bodies, I didn't develop a crush on her, her voice was annoying. Also, recently the woman who played Kes, Jennifer Lien, exposed herself to her neighbours kids while abusing her neighbour on her bad parenting and was arrested and dragged away nude, refusing to get dressed, threatening to kill the officers who were arresting her, all of this is in the song, on top of a reference to a chat I had with a work friend whose marriage sounds bloody awful.

All that said, it's just a super simple little tune, hope it's a nice listen and thanks for your time. If you wanna see a Bert beanie my brother bought me from the UK, it's in this weeks video:

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Episode 147-Good Lord

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a little bit of a depressing, bleak thing about the world ending, and horrible things happening overseas that are splashed all over the internet that we try to ignore because they're horrible. It's kinda musically a little bright but the words come from what I was just talking about, and the fact that I've been reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,(the 2nd verse is based on that), and listening to 'In An Aeroplane Over The Sea', by Neutral Milk Hotel, in my car, a lot, and it's not the happiest of albums, not super super dark all over but it certainly has a sharp edge. The waiting for the wheel line is something somebody at work said while they were waiting for a page to load on the internet. Anyways, that's way too much to say about a song that's hardly two minutes long. I hope you dig it, and check out the video that goes with it, it's jumpy like Peter Gabriele.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Episode 146-Crocodile Tears

Hello listeners. This week's tune is another abstract kinda song, it's kind of about parenting, maybe...? Definitely about loneliness, but in a not entirely serious way. I dunno? Have a listen, see what your brain thinks. It has some U-Bass in it, third attempt at a Bass line, and also some tapping on a stainless steel water bottle.
Hope it's a nice listen anyways, and thanks for your time.
Here's a video for it:

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Episode 145-Paper President

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is an abstract fictional not-love song, with the word Pirate in it.
Hope it's a nice listen, it also contains my second attempt at a bass line.
Thanks for your time and ears, if you want to watch as well as listen, here's the song on YouTube also:

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Episode 144-Little Mountain

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a combined result of me being EXTREMELY tired, which is nothing to complain about, such is life, but it does make a slow tune happen, and also of me remembering a little crush I had on a Mormon sister missionary a couple years ago, who went back home to the U.S and married some Mormon dude, and good for her, I was not on those cards that's for sure. Anyways, it's an acoustic thing, hopefully a nice listen for ya.
Thanks for your time, if you wanna watch as well, here's a video of the same tune:
Nothing fancy, just me wearing a Star Wars T-Shirt.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Episode 143-Holding All The 7's

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a distorted Ukulele and U-Bass song about feeling powerless and end of the world-ish, which is how I felt standing in the shower last Saturday morning. Not like "oh woe is me, my world has ended", more like the entire world, apocalyptic thoughts and the like, the rest of my day was all up from there but I did have a bit of a dark few minutes and hence this song. I just got a Bass, that's why there's Bass in it, I have very little idea about playing the Bass, but this is a start I guess, I think it turned out OK.
If you wanna watch as well as listen here's a video:
Thanks for your time, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Episode 142-If You Should Meet A Carpenter

Hello listeners, this week's tune I've kind of written before as far as content goes, it's another; "why do women seem to dig beefy dudes more than they dig me" thing, but this time I point out to myself that everybody's people and some beefy dudes are real nice and some skinny nerdy folks are not so nice and vice versa. It's hopeful I'd say, another almost love song for no one in particular, and maybe a little bit funny I hope, I dunno, see what you think.
Thanks for listening.
If you want to watch as well as listen her it is on youtube:
I should probably also say, there's some swearing in this one, not that I think anybody would mind.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Episode 141-Ward 17


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is an abstract mandolin thing about random things I've read about and heard people say in the last couple days. Apart from the line about faces being like ladders, I heard that one weeks ago from a buddy who said he wouldn't mind if I stole it for a song, so I did. It's a hodgepodgy kinda song, I watched a doco about REM and Michael Stipe said that sometimes words don't have to have a pin-on-able meaning, they can just be another instrument almost, I like that, he's obviously the master of that idea but it doesn't mean other people can have a go.
Here's a video if you wanna watch me as well as listen to me, for why? I dunno.
Hope you enjoy the tune anyways. Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Episode 140-Sing Low, (She's Married To God)

Hello listeners. This week's tune is pretty much me mocking myself for my the deep lonelies I get stuck in sometimes, and also for my views on the impossibility of the destruction of those lonelies and the way they come out as far fetched images of how people are nasty in general and the like, when I'm havin' a bad day. Hence the line about Skeleton's spooning Nuns, i.e. even the sinless, hell even the dead, are doing the dirty in some way, getting together while I'm on my lonesome. It's not in any way serious anyways, even though it plays like a dirge, that's kinda the idea. Anyways, there's a video too:
Have a watch if you like. Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Episode 139-Caterpillars

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a simple little uke thing for a childhood friend of mine who just had a baby. I guess it's also about growing up trying to retaining some child-like-ness, and just growing up in general. Which kinda sucks but also has it's positives.
Anyways, hope it's a nice listen, it's also on you tube here:
if you wanna have a watch, complete with some Disney Robin Hood cute turtle overlay in reference to/honour of my childhood buddy.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Episode 138-BMX Bandits

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a simple, diaristic, ( I'm pretty sure that's a word), thing about feeling like I let somebody down with my lack of ability to connect properly, and be knowing what to say about things. Not that anybody knows what to say about anything ever, probably, but a lot of people are pretty good at faking it, or actually believing in what they have to say and running with it.
Anyways, it's also nerdy as, with references to Close Encounters, The X-Files and BMX Bandits, (hence the title). Maybe I blame pop culture for making a sometimes inept communicator of me, but I also feel like it connects us too, kind of. It's a bit of a battle in the brain for me of late, seeing people who choose a quiet life and watch TV shows and drink cups of tea and the like and the contentment they seem to have and then seeing the total opposite, people who let their lives and minds travel with a fair amount of not exactly knowing what's next. There's gotta be a middle ground, but I don't know where it is...? A free mind is definitely a life goal of mine, but I don't want it to get so free it flies away.
Anyways. Much incoherent rambling to be done, maybe I'll keep the rest of it to myself. Hope you like the tune, and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Episode 137-Church

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a real simple electric guitar thing about Churches, about how some religious leaders use pseudo psychology to get people hooked on feelings, and the confused mix of supposed 'love' and controlling intimidation or shaming that goes on. I'm in no way opposed to the idea of Jesus, and to actual selfless love and admitting that we're all imperfect and that being vulnerable and the like is a good idea, that's what this song is about too, but mostly it's about how churches can mess this up real bad. There's a video for it here:
A buddy of mine gave me some fancy proper photography type lights, so it's nice and shiny.
Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Episode 136-Making Pictures

Hello listeners. This week's tune is a Banjo one about trying to convince someone to let go of internally fabricated dramas, sit down and have a cuppa. It's a pretty straight forward one. I want to thank folks for listening, I've been looking through some old tunes and I appreciate the people who stick with the thing every week and lend their ears 'cause some of these songs are not so great, which is kind of part of why I'm doing this, to catch the fun/energy of a song right as it's only just been finished, good or bad, and also to just honestly put all that stuff out there rough as because why not. I'm workin on polishing up some stuff, changing many a lyric and the like and I'll hopefully have another album out for you eventually.
The first one, made a couple years ago, also rough as is here: http://cesky.bandcamp.com/
and there's a video for this weeks tune here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NItgkchfY9w&feature=youtu.be
which involves a bit of drawing, in the name of far too literal reactions to lyrics.
Thanks for your time. :)

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Episode 135-Light A Fire

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is another Banjolele one, as I haven't fallen out of love with this incredibly cute new instrument just yet, (nor will I, though my actual Banjo is showing signs of jealousy and may require picking up and playing real soon). It's a tune about domestic violence I guess, or in a more universal way just relational oppression. It's not a super happy one, but hopefully it's a good listen anyways. I just played it for a buddy of mine and they said they felt probably how they we're supposed to feel, like they wanted to shake the person this song is about out of their situation, so, not a great super fun feeling, but I was stoked I made a person feel a thing at all, that's the point of makin' tunes right? Anyways as always, enormous love to you for giving me your ears and time, and thanks for both of those things.
Here's a video version if you like to watch and listen at the same time:

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Episode 134-Let The I's

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is another Banjolele one about a couple of my buddies and the house they live in, abstractified to be not exactly about them but kind of, and also about me, unavoidably. Hopefully it's a nice listen for you, it's fairly upbeat for me.
Thanks for your time.
If you want to watch rather than listen, the tune is also on youtube here:

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Episode 133-The Arsonist

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a darkish Mandolin thing about ego and invisibility, insomnia, isolation, things like that. The title's a bit super serious but I can't help but think of that line in the Wallace and Gromit movie about 'Arson about' when I hear the word arson.
Hope you enjoy it anyways.
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Episode 132-Big Star

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a simple acoustic thing about Chris Bell, one half of the creative duo, (him and Alex Chilton), who were the driving force behind the band "Big Star", who put out three killer albums that never really took off even though critics loved 'em. Chris Bell died in a car accident on his lonesome, driving home from a job in a restaurant chain owned by his dad, he was 27, had worked in music, written a crap load of amazing songs but never kinda 'made it' I guess. Anyways, look up the band, 'Big Star', they were an influence on my favourite band of all time REM, and you can definitely hear that when you listen to them. Chris Bell also has a solo record, "I Am The Cosmos", find it, listen to it, it's beautiful.
Thanks for your time and ears, as always.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Episode 131-I Wanna Remember it Just Like it is

Hello Listeners. This week I've been home sick, was going to avoid putting up a tune for the sake of resting, but I couldn't help myself. This is a MIDI made loop/tune/thing that's been sitting in my mind and recording devices for a bit waiting for a place to live, so I fleshed it out some and I'm putting it up for you to have a listen to. The title is a quote from Bob Weir from The Grateful Dead, he was talking about playing under the Pyramids in Egypt and being attacked by mosquitos and then a whole flock of bats swooping in and taking them out, (the mosquitos, not the band). He was standing on stage watching these bats and he thought "Take me now Lord, I wanna remember it just like it is", seemed to fit the feel of this tune so I used it for the title. Hope you dig it, it'll be the first instrumental thing I've put up here I'm pretty sure, and if I can get back to writing words too next week then possibly the last...?
Thanks for your time.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Episode 130-Something Stupid Like

Hello listeners. I bought a Banjolele, (Banjo, Ukulele hybrid), and this is the first song I've written on it. This is a rough as recording, and this week there's no video because I've been feelin really unwell and this was a stretch in itself, but I had to write a song anyways, 'cause I'm addicted, and it distracted me for a bit. This is I guess a love song for nobody, a not-love song, like the Regina Spectre song says, "suppose I kept on singing love songs, just to break my own fall", I think it's kinda like that...? Hope it's a nice listen anyway.
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Episode 129-Winter's Hands

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a winter one, played on a Mandolin, about sad, vague, abstract stuff, for because it's winter and I'm freezing. It's possibly a calm little listen though anyways, hope you enjoy it. It's also on youtube at the link below, along with some footage of my local winter as seen from some random-ish bush where there's unexploded landmines if you stray off the path.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Episode 128-Red Flag Monday

Hello listeners. This weeks tune just came out without explaining itself to me, so I'm not sure what it's about, some of it is specific stuff, past experiences abstracted into a couple lines, but nothing I can put my finger on, just a feeling, as always. It's on youtube at the link below also, with a blooper at the end, because why not.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Episode 127-The Shakes & Falls

Hello listeners, this weeks tune's another Uke one, it's about wanting I'd say, and possibly shooting yourself in the foot with that want. Kinda abstract and just written mostly as it came out though, a few changes but not a lot of 'em. Hope it's a nice listen for ya anyways, thanks for your time.
It's also on YouTube here:

Monday 6 July 2015

Episode 126-To Save You

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is the result of me listening to a lot of Damien Rice, some Darren Hanlon and also watching the film 'Song One' which has a lot of new-ish folk music in it. Acoustic guitars are fun too, sometimes you just gotta. I won't go into what it's about except to say that on putting it up on the internet it kinda clicked how silly the idea of saving someone is, hence the picture of Batman, but it's just a sentiment, a feeling, honest and being what it is. I dunno, songs are songs, it's hopefully a nice calm listen for you anyways.
Thanks for your time.
Here's a video of me playin it if you want to see:
for because why not I guess. Beanies are fun sometimes.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Episode 125-How To Fall

Hello listeners, this weeks tune kinda speaks for itself I think. I'm a bit of a tragic case, that's pretty much the long and the short of it. Hopefully it's a nice listen anyways, there's a video for it here:
where you can watch me dance like I dance, (which could be a laugh for you). Have a look, enjoy and thanks for your support.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Episode 124-Christian Girls

Hello listeners. This weeks song is really simple, and super short, life's been odd and this is all I had the energy for. It's about a guy at a party I went to who convinced a girl that Julie Andrews was a friend of his mums, he was being a jerk about it too, basically saying; "hey look everybody, this girl is an idiot", which made me mad and brought back mind the whole why do women find jerk men so attractive sometimes, it boggles the mind. Anyways, hope it's a nice listen, and thanks for your time.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Episode 123-Everything That Touches

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a rough as guts, simple little sad tune, I've had a bit of a headache for a few days, I'm a bit grumpy, hence the sadness. It's also just about feeling a little isolated, misunderstood, everybody gets that I imagine. It's a soft one though, hopefully a nice listen.
Thanks for your time, as always.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Episode 122-Fairy Floss


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is all about coming home from seeing some excellent live music and having my mood briefly shat upon by some loud obnoxious drunk dudely types who thought I was gay, and that being gay is a thing that means they have the right to be offensive and yell lots of horrible things at you. I was walking quite a ways away from them thankfully, boiling blood and head raised to the sky with a sigh full of venom. It's also about how dudely dudes are often seen with women at their sides and how this makes no sense, and also about how the Disney Land in Hong Kong is supposedly a horrible place according to a lot of reviews on the internet, which I sought out so I could tie something in with the image of a deflated Mickey Mouse balloon which seemed to fit into this song. Thanks for listening anyways, despite the ranty nature of this ranty rant the song is supposed to be relatively light hearted, hope it's a good listen anyways and thanks for your time.

This weeks episode as a video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRaflk41t20

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Episode 121-Baby Octopus

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is about the effects that taking medication for mental health issues can have on a person, and also about my own slow ascent from a fair amount of madness, brought on by watching "Silver Linings Playbook", which isn't perfect but I liked it, and it had some good things to say about mental health and the like, or at least honest things. Hope it's an interesting listen, I put some time into a video for it this week too, not featuring myself, but some specifically selected footage from a Chinese news story and some home footage, (from somebody else's home), of a schizophrenic guy, plus some old Nintendo "Virtual Boy' robot punch up footage for good measure.
That you can see here:
Thanks for your time as always and I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Episode 120-Little Birds


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is an acoustic guitar tune because I've been listening to Beck's new album 'Morning Phase', and also 'Sea Change', which he did a while back but it's one of my favourites. I can in no way match the genius of the man but listening to his acoustic based stuff makes me wanna get my acoustic guitar out, hence this song. Hope it's a nice listen, it's just a minimal soft kinda thing, kinda happy/calm. As always, thanks for your time, and also your feedback and 'likes' and all those things, much appreciated.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Episode 119-Shotgun

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a Banjo one I wrote just kind of on auto pilot as far as lyrics go. Not too sure what it's about, just a general capturing of a feeling maybe, nothing specific, kind of a sad one but I'm not feeling sad so much lately, it's a hark back to bad times I'd say. Anyways, hope it's a nice listen. Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Episode 118-Burning Swan


Hello listeners. This week I've been listening to a fair bit of Syd Barret, he wrote meandery stream of consciousness stuff, some would say drug addled nonsense, but there's some pretty clever writing in there, he probably was drug addled but it doesn't discount his creative smarts. Anyways, this tune is me imitating him basically, in my own way, a nod to his tunes, it has a Wizard of Oz reference and some stuff about a guy I met on the weekend who talked about The Burning Swan.
Hope it's a good listen anyways, and thanks for your time & support.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Episode 117-Little Ghosts

Hello listeners, this weeks song is a tune about seeing the good in a person, appreciating it as a silent bystander but also somewhat of a sponge, soaking up the goodness, basking in it a little maybe, but not in a leechy way, feeding that forward to others also and back to the person it came from.
It's a slow calm one, hope it's a nice listen.
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Episode 116-Churches In Caves

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is scratchy voiced because a few days ago I saw, highly appreciated and screamed appreciation for the bands, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Le Shebbab and Shit Narnia, (a lot of screaming, it was that good). If you have the time and inclination look them up and have a listen. Anyways, this tune is a sad little uke one about I'm not sure what, it's abstract for sure, hope it's a nice listen anyways, and thanks for your time.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Episode 115-Green Benches

Hello listeners. This week's tune's just a simple bit of reminiscing mixed with an abstract thing about being single, kind of, I think. Also I think about maybe how we think about what other people are thinking too much, as a general societal thing.
Hope it's a good listen anyways, and thanks for your time.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Episode 114-Too Many Strangers

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a love song I guess, possibly.Sometimes you gotta write a love song even if there's nobody to sing it to. Generally it's a hopeful thing I guess. Anyways, hope it's a nice listen. Thanks for your time.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Episode 113-Salary Men

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a looped electronic thing played on a midi device mixed with some distorted electric guitar and some fairly straight forward lyrics about todays news in Japan and a couple other places, including the tragic accidental, (or possibly not so accidental), deaths of way too many drunk salary men who it seems wake up disoriented and stumble onto train tracks, or in some cases run onto them according to CCTV footage. Not a cheery song this, it's also about indifference to the news I guess and how governments make superficial changes to look like they're doing something about things but really the problems they're scratching the surface of require a lot more than that.
Hope you enjoy anyways, and thanks for listening.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Episode 112-Gently Now


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is my reaction to learning from the radio and then the internet that Rise Up Australia, (a less crazy on the outside, but no less miss guided than good old Pauline Hanson and her crazies I think, political party), is organising a "Reclaim Australia" rally on the weekend, which made me immediately think of the Cronulla riots and how bloody shameful and racist and dense that whole kerfuffle was and how this could certainly lead to the same kinda thing. Definitely some anti Muslim sentiment going on in Australia at this point which irks me no end because its basically a lumping together of a whole lot of individuals into one over the top image of some extremist garbage which is "extremist", meaning not something that everybody buys into. Sure over in the Middle East atrocities are happening that should be stopped at the hands of I'd dare say far too many extremists, but not here, Australia doesn't need to be reclaimed from anyone, and as a work friend of mine said today, how can anybody reclaim it if it never belonged to them in the first place, you don't see people rallying to ship all us white folks out and give Australia back to it's original inhabitants.
I'm not a political person, more emotional than political, because I know that any political issue is a massive can of worms, but here's my two cents on this anyways. Hope you like it anyways, it's just a song.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Episode 111-Meet Me at the Meat Market

Hello listeners, this weeks song is a tune about a couple of fictional gay men who are getting on a bit, one is a failed predatory type, tries to reel in young folks with no success, the other is the only person who cares about his friend really, at the end of the day, and drags him back home drunk after he's failed yet again, but isn't entirely ecstatic about this life. I kinda stole a bit of Paul McCartneys "No More Lonely Nights" for the choruses, kind of a cynical twist on that I guess.
Thanks for your time and your ears. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Episode 110-Marius & Eponine

Hello. This weeks tune is based on a quote from Le Miserable:
“Promise to give me a kiss on my brow when I am dead. --I shall feel it."
I extrapolated it into a kind of depressing old Englishy lullaby kind of a thing that I can imagine being sung by a grandmother to her grandchild. I'm aware that somebody already turned this entire story into a to a pile of super amazing tunes, but I read this and had a go at my own anyways, I think it works out of context even though I named it after the characters in the book, (they have great names). Thanks for your time, as always.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Episode 109-We're Friendly Now

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a Mandolin one about permanent separation, based on my own from a marriage quite a while ago but hyperbolised and maybe not entirely about that really. I'm not sure. Anyways, hope it's a good listen and thanks for your time.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Episode 108-Steady

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a finger picking ukulele tune. It's meaning I can't really talk about other than like the song says, I'm not gonna talk about it, but I hope that it says whatever it wants to say to whoever hears it anyways, and that it's a good listen.
I've seen a lot of live music recently and wanted to send some recommendations out with this week's tune, Jordie Lane, The Darling Downs, Ruth Moody and Rowena Wise were all seen/heard and massively appreciated by myself and a bunch of other folks this past weekend and I think you should check 'em out. As always, thanks for your time and ears, much appreciated.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Episode 107-Creaturely Things

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a synthy, acoustic kinda slow sad sounding thing that actually is not so sad. It's a bit of a simple reflecty one for me on how far away from how close I was to insane I currently am, the lyrics are not many and open to interpretation though.
Hope you enjoy it anyways, and thanks for your time.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Episode 106-I Read In The News That Reading The News Is A Bad Idea

Hello listeners, this week's tune is just a short little thing about paranoia and media craziness. It's super abstract, hopefully a little funny? It's a tangle of ideas and things I read in different news articles, the last of which was a news article about how reading news articles and watching news all the time can make you hyper tense, scared and stupid, and detract from your ability to read longer things and stick with entire stories to the end. I thought it had some good points but the fact that it was published on a news website was kinda ironic. Anyways, hope you enjoy my brain wanderings in this tune and thanks for your time.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Episode 105-Maleficium

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about the Pendle Hill witch trials, which I heard about on the ABC from the author Jeanette Winterson who just wrote a book about them called "The Daylight Gate", which she read from and talked about and I dug, so I looked up more info and then wrote a song about it.  Maleficium means the causing of harm by magic, and basically the story revolves around a peddler having a stroke, blaming witchcraft and then the whole thing spiralling into madness and resulting in 9 people being hung, one dying in prison, the use of a nine year old girl to betray her own family and some other nasty stuff. If you're interested then Google it and read more, fascinating stuff.
Hope you like it anyways & thanks for your time. 

Thursday 5 February 2015

Episode 104-Tarantula


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a Mandolin one, another song that came out how it wanted to, (with much coaxing), and isn't easily explained. I think I've mentioned this before but I once saw an interview with Neil Finn where he said that he doesn't so much write songs about things as he does around feelings and images, I'm sure as hell not Neil Finn but I think I get what he was saying, some words just sort of fit without any direct link to a specific time or place or thing, or anything at all. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your time.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Episode 103-A Yellowed Sunday Summer Kind of dark

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is about I'm not sure what, summer definitely is in there, and heat and being all melted and such, as summer is what I'm currently experiencing, (I kinda like it, but it is bloody hot). There's a reference to anti-anxiety medication and the fact that I never really grew out of a fear of the dark, other than that, I just let it say what it wanted to, whatever that is. Hope you enjoy it anyways. Thanks for your time and ears.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Episode 102-Finding A High Place

Hello Listeners. This weeks tune is a bit of an experiment with a new midi synthy type device I got for Christmas. It's a tune about somebody I know who is really good at/naturally seems to be lumped with at times, the giving of life related advice. Hope you like it, it's a calm one, in fact the tune was made to help my 2 boys get to sleep one night, (which worked), and I added the words later.
Thanks for you time, as always. Enjoy.