Tuesday 31 March 2015

Episode 112-Gently Now


Hello listeners. This weeks tune is my reaction to learning from the radio and then the internet that Rise Up Australia, (a less crazy on the outside, but no less miss guided than good old Pauline Hanson and her crazies I think, political party), is organising a "Reclaim Australia" rally on the weekend, which made me immediately think of the Cronulla riots and how bloody shameful and racist and dense that whole kerfuffle was and how this could certainly lead to the same kinda thing. Definitely some anti Muslim sentiment going on in Australia at this point which irks me no end because its basically a lumping together of a whole lot of individuals into one over the top image of some extremist garbage which is "extremist", meaning not something that everybody buys into. Sure over in the Middle East atrocities are happening that should be stopped at the hands of I'd dare say far too many extremists, but not here, Australia doesn't need to be reclaimed from anyone, and as a work friend of mine said today, how can anybody reclaim it if it never belonged to them in the first place, you don't see people rallying to ship all us white folks out and give Australia back to it's original inhabitants.
I'm not a political person, more emotional than political, because I know that any political issue is a massive can of worms, but here's my two cents on this anyways. Hope you like it anyways, it's just a song.

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