Tuesday 30 May 2017

Episode 225-Spiderman

Hello listeners. Like a bunch of other tunes I've written this weeks song is about mental illness, or lack of mental health at least, which I think everyone feels/deals with in some way. Anyways, this is specifically harking back to social anxiety experiences I've had and my up and down connection with spirituality and the church and such, how the church in the past has not been particularly good with mental health issues, (but I'd say it's getting better maybe...?)
Anyways, under all that it's also just a song, and fictional hyperbole and pictures and the like. Hope you enjoy it anyways. Here's a video/drawing to go with it.
Thanks for your time & ears.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Episode 224-JB HiFi

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a hyperbolised fiction about a girl I think is a lil cute at my local JB HiFi, I don't get nervous like the song says, or even go there to see said girl, I go there to buy shit loads of music and become a poor person, but it make a nice picture I hope and also I think everybody has a crush of some kind on somebody who works at shop they go to a lot, (probably?) Hope you enjoy anyways.
Here's a drawing/video to got with the tune:
Thanks for your time & ears.
P.S, have a couple of albums streaming here:
& here:
that you can also download from bandcamp here:
for free.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Episode 223-You Got A Milky Way

Hello listeners. This week tune is an upbeat-ish, (for me anyways), Banjo thing for folks who lack confidence, or feel small in a big world when what's inside them is way shinier than they could probably ever realise. There's a lot of people like this in the world, even just in my own personal very little world that hasn't got a hell of a lot of people in it. Hope it's a nice listen for you anyways and maybe is encouraging in some way. Thanks for your time & ears, here's a drawing/video to go with the tune:
and also, if you're interested I have some free albums available here:
(just put zero dollars in the name your price box, or send me a couple bucks if you're feeling generous).

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Episode 222-Sad Boy House

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about a guy I saw in a documentary series called "Turned On" who was internet dating multiple women and vanishing on them when something that had to be worked through in even the slightest way came up. To his credit he saw that what he was doing was dumb when someone confronted him about it and mended his ways and such but the point of the thing was that internet dating is a place where people get away with shallow behaviour, or at least indulge in it ALOT and maybe don't really get away with it not hurting people, but they feel like they are. Fascinating, crazy arse terrible stuff anyways. Hope the tune is a good listen for you, thanks for your time & ears, here's a video/drawing to go with it:

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Episode 221-Sale Of The Century

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is about a fictional unemployed person who doesn't do a hell of a lot and watches old VHS tapes of Sale Of The Century instead of cleaning his house. Sale Of The Century brings back warm memories of my grandparents super massive tube TV and bear rug, I loved that show. Anyways, I hope this is a fun listen and thanks for your time & ears.
Here's a video/drawing to go with the tune: