Tuesday 29 September 2015

Episode 138-BMX Bandits

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is a simple, diaristic, ( I'm pretty sure that's a word), thing about feeling like I let somebody down with my lack of ability to connect properly, and be knowing what to say about things. Not that anybody knows what to say about anything ever, probably, but a lot of people are pretty good at faking it, or actually believing in what they have to say and running with it.
Anyways, it's also nerdy as, with references to Close Encounters, The X-Files and BMX Bandits, (hence the title). Maybe I blame pop culture for making a sometimes inept communicator of me, but I also feel like it connects us too, kind of. It's a bit of a battle in the brain for me of late, seeing people who choose a quiet life and watch TV shows and drink cups of tea and the like and the contentment they seem to have and then seeing the total opposite, people who let their lives and minds travel with a fair amount of not exactly knowing what's next. There's gotta be a middle ground, but I don't know where it is...? A free mind is definitely a life goal of mine, but I don't want it to get so free it flies away.
Anyways. Much incoherent rambling to be done, maybe I'll keep the rest of it to myself. Hope you like the tune, and thanks for listening.

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