Monday 3 June 2013

Episode 17-Brother

Here's episode 17, in the recording I say it was about a Friday night, but that's an inaccuracy, actually it was a Saturday night and Sunday morning, but not at all in a Paul Kelly kind of way, unfortunately. Being a little inexperienced at real life I found myself being led by and leading around two homeless guys on a bit of a night time adventure, they were nice enough, but there were reasons they were homeless that involved drugs and violent tendencies and being verbally abusive to many a person, and me eventually being a bit scared. True to their word though they did me personally no harm at all, and we walked around the city quite a ways and randomly met up with and spoke to many a friendly person. I feel badly for the homeless guy I left sleeping at a train station, but he was keen on that and I needed to escape back to reality, he taught me a lot about courage and adaptation, but he also frightened me like I said, so I don't feel too badly in some ways, he did say his life was his choice, and he could change if he wanted to. It was all around an experience, neither good or bad, but certainly educational. I don't know if I'm a complete bastard for being the lets have fun on a Saturday night guy to two guys who probably needed to go find a church to give them a bed and some eats, or if maybe I saved them from some trouble, I did a lot of smoothing over and avoidance of possible blow ups when verbal fights were taking place, being somewhat of a peace keeper. I don't know? societies troubles have a face and a name yeah, it kinda hurts, but you can't do any grand scale fixing of such things. Hopefully I showed these two fellas some love I guess, Nugget gave me a farewell hug at the end of the night, wished me well, was a decent human being in a lot of ways, never leaves a brother behind. The thing in the song about Crocodil is a drug a Russian guy told me to look up on You Tube, I did, it was horrifying. I sound kinda sad in this recording I think, this song took me a long time to right, and for me, it's pretty freakin' sad, so I guess you're getting some genuine internal stuff here, strange times indeed.

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