Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Episode 237-Religious Rants on Sick Day

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is one of now 2 all electronically conceived tunes that this podcast has contained, the last being because I was sick and had no time or energy for anything else,(this one: http://ceskylives.blogspot.com.au/2015/08/episode-131-i-wanna-remember-it-just.html), and this one for the exact same reason. I made this song in my bed, with an ipad and some midi stuff, when you're sick, you can still get shit done.
Here's a video to go with it;

It's layers of anti religious ranting you-tubers, I typed in 'religious rant', expecting to have videos of preaching or something similar and all I got was a ton of anti religious stuff, which seemed all very aimless and negative and sad. I'm not a fan of religion myself but to wallow in complaining about it on the internet on a regular basis seems like a waste of energy, anyways, the audio from these videos suited the song as samples so that's why I used them.

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