Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Episode 208-Darwin's Morning Run

Hello listeners. This weeks tune is an anti-religion/pro-faith thing about how science and faith are not at all opposed to each other, (for me anyways, I'm not preaching). Science and religion can be opposed for sure, but faith is a different thing. I read this story about Charles Darwin as a child running to school and praying to Jesus to get him there on time and when he did being really super happy, admittedly he was probably just a fast runner but it's the heart involved that I liked and how religion kind of ruined that for him because science proved to him that religion was a massive liar. I was talking to some far smarter than me buddies about belief in a 'source' of all things, and have been getting back to church n such, trying to convert people is stupid but I have come across folks who just want the best for everyone, and I like that, people with faith are supposed to be like that. Writing about these things and retaining PC-ness on either side of the fence is difficult, but like I said, these are my thoughts, that's what songs are for, (among other things I know, but it always starts with thinking), I don't want to imprint them on anyone, I just want to sing about 'em.

Thanks for your time & ears and here's a video/drawing to go with the tune:

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