Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Episode 227-Fictional Juliet

Hello listeners, this weeks tune is a simple acoustic guitar thing about my tragically optimistic views on potential romance in a world that doesn't seem particularly interested in such things. Being above the age of five I realise that popular media sells us 'romance' as an answer to life from the get go, I don't buy into that, but I do fall for people frequently, or at least have in the past in what I would say is a fits the bill kind of emotion heavy kind of way. This maybe isn't a good thing, but it's made some songs that sound kinda calm 'n nice happen, and this is one of them, not directed at a specific person at all, just at the general idea.
Hope it's a nice listen anyways. Thanks for your time & ears, here's a video/drawing to go with the tune:

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