Sunday 22 December 2013

Episode 46-Love Is No Miracle

This weeks tune is possibly the most positive song I've written in a while, it's about a sermon I heard this morning about how circus elephants were trained from when they were young to believe they can't free themselves from just a plain old rope around the ankle, because when they're young they can't, but they still believe this when they're much bigger, much stronger, and capable of setting themselves free whenever they like. In the elephants mind the rope is stronger than they are, just like people get caught up in the ways they're taught to view or define themselves by what other people have conditioned them into believing, good or bad. Also I recently saw a film called "Before Midnight, third in a series by Richard Linklater, (what a champ), which struck me as being completely honest and fantastically useful to humans in the way it looked at relationships, romantic notions are not forever, feelings can be kept alive with effort and such, but life is life, it's not romantic, it's real, devotion to someone is what it is, they either accept it and are right there with you, in an honest, this is life kinda way, or they're not, being caught up in meaningless detail or just the worlds hefty 'stuff' I guess. There's more to the film than that, I highly recommend it, it definitely plays a part in this tune being written. Also there's a bit of the usual faith and Jesus stuff in here, speaking about how God knows what we need, he knows what we are and we shouldn't hide that because it's made to be shared. This is my personal faith perspective anyways, share it or not, it's in the song, so I'm tellin' you about it. Hope you all have a great Christmas dear listeners, and I'll be back in 2014 with more tunes. You're time is much appreciated, it's really nice to share this stuff with you guys.

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